
Hello All,
I'm Mallory: fiancé, student, daughter, sister, friend, and many other typical titles common for a young woman my age. As I near my impending graduation, the thought of finally gripping that piece of paper justifying my past four years of staring at the computer screen, reading anything from Wordsworth to Hemingway, and writing papers until my eyes crossed, is nothing short of satisfying. The only trouble is I can’t help but to consistently think, “What next?” 
The only concrete plans that have made their way into my narrow vision of the future happen to include wedding bells and exchanged vows, so I have a foundation of marriage to work on and a career to consider eventually. No sweat. Until then, though, I am focusing on what I know, and other than the knowledge that the unknown frightens the bejeebers out of me, I am quite certain that I love my fiancé, my family and friends, books, the written word, my seasons of Gilmore Girls, and **with a forced grin** growing up! I will amend that last item of the list to the phrase, "I love the idea of growing up." The responsibilities seem to add themselves to my “To Do” (or rather “To Conquer”) list on a daily basis, and seeing as how life before this transitional phase has been, how shall I put this, a breeze, taking on this new-found accountability is nothing short of a serious, unrelenting challenge. 
If you, like me, are looking out at a dark abyss, finding yourself in a season of change when the unfamiliar is the only thing certain, and fretting over the next obstacle or adulthood madness, stick around and compare your notes with mine. 


  1. Let's go off to Neverland...like ASAP.

  2. I nominated your cute blog for a liebster award! Read more about it here: http://lilgeorgiapeach.blogspot.com/2014/02/liebster-award.html.
